This webpage highlights my books, research, and other activities, including the Sofaer IMBA. Contact me by clicking here.
o “Financial Analysis and Valuation with Excel”—a course in Santo Domingo from 30 June – 2 July. For further details, click here. The course will be given in English; you can write the organizers for more information.
o Download multiple stock price data series from Yahoo! This wonderful Excel app was developed by Samir Khan. The app and an explanation are available here.
o Introductory finance course at Tel Aviv: This site imperfectly records an Excel-based intro finance course I gave in December 2012-January 2013: http://simonbenninga.com/finintro.htm .
Principles of Finance with Excel, 2nd edition (now at Amazon)Like its predecessor, PFE2 integrates principles of finance with Excel. The first edition has been widely adopted for classroom use, both in introductory finance courses and as a text for computer applications in finance. The second edition, published by Oxford University Press in October 2010, has been updated, while maintaining the same integration between learning finance and doing Excel. All the Excel examples now refer to Excel 2007; compatibility with Excel 2003 and the new Excel 2010 has been maintained. PFE2 includes a disk with all the book examples, making it an ideal learning tool. |
· Download a sample chapter of PFE · Instructors: Start with the contents of the Instructor Website. To access Powerpoints and other materials, write me for a username/password · PFE2 typos: thankfully very few, but here’s a list. If you send me a typo, you will be acknowledged in subsequent printings of the book (fame forever!). · PFE2 in Spanish: An alpha version of a Spanish translation is available to instructors. Write me for details. |
Financial Modeling, 3rd editionFinancial Modeling, 3rd edition (FM3) has become the standard modeling text for finance students and professionals. FM3’s sections cover corporate finance, portfolio modeling, options, bonds, advanced Excel techniques, and VBA. The CD that comes with FM3 includes all the models discussed in the book and the answers to the end-of-chapter exercises. |
· Extra materials and updates: This is a modest website with some extra materials for Financial Modeling. You need to write me for a password. · Instructor website: If you are an instructor using FM3 in a class, write me for these Powerpoints and other teaching materials. · Financial Modeling on Amazon · Financial Engineering course: Videos of a 6-class course given during the summer of 2011 at Tel Aviv University. Click this link to get to the lectures. |
I direct the Sofaer IMBA at Tel Aviv University, a one-year, intensive MBA at Israel’s best business school. Our current class has students from 21 countries and a heavy sprinkling of courses in areas where Israel’s high-tech economy excels: High-tech marketing, high-tech M&A, bio-tech management, entrepreneurship, financial engineering, and more. The generosity of the Sofaer family enables us to give scholarships to outstanding students. Check us out on our webpage or write us a letter for more information.
We’ve taped my Tel Aviv University Financial Engineering class. Look on YouTube .
Here’s a wonderful page with Mac/Windows shortcut equivalents: https://exceljet.net/keyboard-shortcuts
Old: I do not support these materials.
· Some materials I previously posted to accompany Corporate Finance: A Valuation Approach. This book, co-authored with Oded Sarig and published in 1996 by McGraw-Hill, is now out of print. Click here to access.
· Materials using Mathematica, a wonderful computational program. All authored by Zvi Wiener of Hebrew University in Jerusalem (some co-authored with me). Click here to access.